- Technical Education Management – planning, execution, review and monitoring in line with the national Level Performance Benchmarks set by World Bank and MHRD, GoI for the Technical Education under TEQIP-III
- Promotion of Science, Engineering and Technology through Technical Activities in respect of 15 Engineering Disciplines, National Conventions, All India seminars, Indian Engineering Congress, R & D funding, IEI Springer Journal Publication, coordination and monitoring.
- Industry-Academia Partnership, Collaborative Research through NDRF.
- Int PE Certification/ Maintenance of Indian Register of Int PE Engineers/IPEA
- National and Global collaboration in Engineering & Technology
- Professional body Memberships – Corporate and Technician level
- Various Statutory and non statutory Committees – convening the meetings, preparing the Agenda and Minutes
- Networking with various government and non government bodies including statutory bodies.
- Planning and Management of Technical Education at national level,
- Pay Scale and Qualification of teachers of Degree and Diploma level Institutions,
- Technical Manpower Training, Career Development of teaches,
- Autonomy of technical Institutions,
- Managing R & D projects,
- Professional Societies, Continuing Education,
- Approval of new technical institutions and extension of approval of existing technical institutions,
- M. Tech level educational planning and management etc.
- As Regional of Eastern Region of AICTE planned and executed the technical education institutes in eastern region as per the regulatory requirement.
- Accreditation and Quality assurance in Technical education
- To assist, co-ordinate & work with State Steering Committee & State Technical Education Department for effective Implementation of the Project.
- Head of the team comprising Nodal Officers/Consultants engaged for implementation of Projects at the SPIU level in Uttar Pradesh as well such officials at University and Institutions
- Review funding requirements from Institutions & Affiliating Technical University and monitor fund utilization
- Provide guidance and arrange technical assistance to institutions for carrying out realistic and meaningful training needs analysis to achieve their desired goals in line with the global requirements more particularly the Washington accord.
- Performance Audit of Centrally Funded Institutions and State Institutions. To ensure mentoring of Institutions through mentors and subject experts.
- To lead, advise and guide Consultants at SPIU, University and Institution level on academic as well as procurement and Financial Management issues.
- To prepare Review Reports for JRMs and Monthly Review of World Bank .
- Top Level Administration, Policy, Strategic Planning, Finance, International Affairs, MOUs, Agreements
- Administration of Education, Examination, Evaluation and Certification of AMIE Graduate as equivalent to B. Tech. as per MHRD Notification
- Technical Activities in respect of 15 Engineering Disciplines, National Conventions, All India seminars, Indian Engineering Congress
- Recruitment and Personnel affairs,
- Employees welfare and Labour Relations,
- Legal matters and Statutory Compliance Various Statutory and non statutory Committees – convening the meetings, preparing the Agenda and Minutes,
- Budgeting and Financial Management,
- Estate Management and building maintenance
- Networking with various government and non government bodies.
- Entire administration of the two department Civil and Environment consisting of around 300m manpower
- administration and budgeting, fund control,
- personnel, labour relations, employees welfare, Union,
- corporate social responsibility,
- Procurement and contract etc.
- Legal Affairs
- Regulatory compliance
- Networking with the Government – Central, State and Regulatory bodies and community
- administration and budgeting, fund control,
- personnel, labour relations, employees welfare, Union,
- corporate social responsibility,
- procurement and contract etc.
- Legal Affairs
- Regulatory compliance
- Networking with the Government – Central, State and Regulatory bodies and community.
- Routine administration of the Institute
- Budgeting
- Administration of the various training programmes, seminars, conferences
- Networking with various national level Institutions like IITs, IIMs, ASCI etc for the corporate training - technical and non technical.
- Administration & budgeting
- Legal Affairs
- Capacity building
- Manpower management
- Networking with UGC, MHRD, AIU and various other bodies.
- Administration & budgeting
- Contract and procurement
- Security
- Corporate social Responsibility
- Legal Affairs
- Capacity building
- Manpower management
- Quality Improvement of the technical education in Uttar Pradesh - World Bank Project Quality in Technical Education (TEQIP - III)
- Quality and Equity
- Accreditation, Examination Reforms and Outcome Based Education
- Governance, Autonomy and Excellence in education, Accreditation, Credit transfer and Mobility,
- Employability and Skill, Development
- Planning and executing action plan for the Capacity building of Trainers in the field of Future Skills - taking it to down the level for massive skill development in digital model.
- Digital Teaching - Learning, Testing, Assessment and Examination, Cloud based LMS etc
- Entrepreneurship and innovations, twinning programmers and collaborative research
- Indutry-Institute Partern
- Publications like newsletter
- Academic publications – e- Bulletin on Online Learning; e-Bulletin on e-Examination
- Issues related to education, examination and accreditation
- Digital learning
- Skill and employability
- R&D, Technical Journal publication, Division Board technical and academic activities
- Industries-Academia collaboration
- Water Quality Studies of River Damodar
- Environmental Studies of Damodar watershed
- Water quality studies of River Damodar
- Development and design of courses for the Induction level training for newly recruited graduate engineers and short term training modules for the senior level engineers in the field of Environmental Planning, Monitoring, Management & pollution control, Environmental Impact Assessment, EMS/ISO:14000/14001, Watershed Management and Water Resource Management,
- Planning co-ordination of training, seminars, workshops etc.
- Training need assessment of training for graduate engineers, operatives and existing engineers and employees of the organization.
- Conducted large no. of trainings, workshops, seminars, FDPs Environmental management, water conservation, Rainwater Harvesting, Watershed Management, Environmental awareness, Environmental Impact Assessment, AI and Machine Learning, and various other areas of all disciplines of Engineering.
- EMS: ISO 14000/14001
- Disaster Mitigation
- Positive Thinking
- Water Quality study of the River Damodar and Water Management Report
- Soil conservation practices in DVC
- Environmental study of Damodar Catchments
- Technical Education ( At operative level ) for disabled
- HRD in DVC as Co-supervisor of a student for his MBA project from Magadh University
- Taught Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineers, QMS/EMS – ISO 90001/14001 Auditor Programme apart from various motivational train ing at DVC Training Institute for the period 2002-2006